9月10日,科大讯飞在北京正式发布讯飞智能录音笔SR301青春版新品。这也是继SR701旗舰版和SR501标准版后,讯飞专为青年学生群体打造的支持语音转文字的智能录音笔。作为讯飞智能录音笔家族中的 “新青年”,这款智能录音笔依旧搭载了科大讯飞行业领先的语音转写引擎,具备语音秒转文字、中英文边录边译、重点标记、语音搜索、多平台同步等强大功能,同时更具小巧轻便,便携易用等新特点,定价999元。
其核心的转写功能,可独立自动实现录音和文字转写全流程。讯飞智能录音笔SR301青春版的转写引擎采用基于深度全序列卷积神经网络的语音识别框架处理前端语音信号,针对整句语音识别结果进行口语规整操作,智能过滤语气词、调整词序等,转写结果更加贴合用语习惯,流畅自然。 以课堂应用场景为例,讯飞智能录音笔SR301青春版会将课堂重点等老师的授课内容快速、准确地转写成文字,可达到1小时录音,5分钟成稿。
1+4的麦克风阵列组合,配合讯飞的智能拾音算法,让这款新产品可以满足最远10米的录音需求。一颗大直径的定向麦克风, 4颗麦克风阵列组合,保证了讯飞智能录音笔SR301 青春版在多角度和远距离拾音上的优质效果。
基于如此领先的A.I.技术,讯飞智能录音笔SR701旗舰版和SR501标准版自推出后好评如潮,并多次荣获奖项。2019年6月,双双获得亚洲消费电子展创新奖,荣获 2019年亚洲消费电子展人工智能奖等等。
国务院参事, 国家发改委原副主任,北京大学光华管理学院特聘教授徐宪平参事表示人工智能将改变世界、改变教育和改变学习方式。从传统课堂到个性化教学、智能辅导老师、VR\AR等技术的应用,从卡式录放机到A.I.赋能的“能听能说,能看能认”的智能录音笔,人工智能正在逐步改变人类的生产生活方式。他还表示,科大讯飞是我国人工智能的领军企业,在人工智能技术与教育的融合创新方面,有许多成果是国际领先的。
科大讯飞轮值总裁、消费者BG副总裁胡郁表示:科大讯飞在人工智能道路上不断探索了20年,旗下的产品不仅凝结了累积核心技术的创新,还有产品和商业模式上的创新。今年是人工智能落地应用的元年, 科大讯飞今年推出的讯飞智能录音笔,其在京东等平台的销量超过其它传统录音笔的总和,在整个业界起到了引领和标杆的作用。他同时表示这款智能录音笔能将繁重的文字整理工作自动化,解决用户的刚需和痛点,希望可以给文字工作者带来全新的用户体验。
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asain mail order brides bond even if you were to have different interests. Get to know the other person well - Assuming you have shared hobbies along with your wife, you will be able to share your current common pursuits with her. The spouses may have a lot of things in common and this aid way for you to get to know each other much better. You will be able to have a good impact to your fresh wife and also express your feelings clearly. Can handle than to stay away from ingredients that you and your spouse have no frequent interests within. Get to know each other artists strengths and weaknesses simple While giving interests, you should think about your spouses' pros and cons. You should think about what you can do to get useful for a newly purchased wife. You should also go over the problems that will both of you confront. This will be the best way for you to learn to get along with the future wife. Where can I find a perfect partner for personally? Here are some of your popular ways in order to find a perfect wife for yourself: These are a few of the popular techniques to discover a wife on your own. This article will educate you on how to find a perfect wife for your self. ">
上一篇Finding where to get new spouse is really important nowadays. You might be wondering finding a perfect partner for you. Properly, there are plenty of ways in order to find a perfect wife for your self. Here are some of your popular techniques: Your current wife's buddies - The wife's close friends will be able to assist you when it comes to looking for how to find a brand new wife. An individual can pick a friend who may have a similar activity interest because yours. A typical hobby for two people will be to write or paint. After the meeting, you can take part within the things she enjoys performing. Find out if your spouse interests that individual's hobbies. You will find lots of people who have a passion for cooking. You can create part throughout her cooking food hobby which will be a way for you to get to know one another. Seek out hobbies help People usually think about hobbies before looking for a new wife. You can also look for hobbies for your potential wife. You can start having something you like to do collectively. This way, it will be easy to asain mail order brides bond even if you were to have different interests. Get to know the other person well - Assuming you have shared hobbies along with your wife, you will be able to share your current common pursuits with her. The spouses may have a lot of things in common and this aid way for you to get to know each other much better. You will be able to have a good impact to your fresh wife and also express your feelings clearly. Can handle than to stay away from ingredients that you and your spouse have no frequent interests within. Get to know each other artists strengths and weaknesses simple While giving interests, you should think about your spouses' pros and cons. You should think about what you can do to get useful for a newly purchased wife. You should also go over the problems that will both of you confront. This will be the best way for you to learn to get along with the future wife. Where can I find a perfect partner for personally? Here are some of your popular ways in order to find a perfect wife for yourself: These are a few of the popular techniques to discover a wife on your own. This article will educate you on how to find a perfect wife for your self.