最近iPhone 11出了许多问题,从拿到新机起,就不断有用户爆料新机存在发烫、信号差等问题。
这还不算完,此后iPhone 11又出现了摄像头进灰的问题。
要知道,今年苹果可是将摄像功能作为iPhone 11的重要卖点大加宣传,又是三摄又是广角的,可现在出现这种问题无异于打脸。从网友的讨论来看,多半是品控环节缺失。许多用户与客服沟通,但并没得到明确的答复。
如果说这样的问题只是个例,倒也情有可原,毕竟手机在生产的过程中,品质不如意的概率难以避免,可是出现进灰现象的机型包括了iPhone 11、iPhone 11 Pro以及iPhone 11 Pro Max在内,这就很难归为个别问题了。
从图片来看,iPhone 11系列的后置摄像头与外边框之间存在着明显的空隙。而发烫的地方主要集中在摄像头下方附近和开机键附近。信号方面,苹果之前与高通的“大战”虽以和解告终,但iPhone 11系列新机因为“档期”原因,没有用上高通的基带,而是继续采用了英特尔基带,所以信号和上一代的iPhone XS基本处于同一水平线。
iPhone 11暴露出的诸多问题以及这次的“进灰门”,不禁让人联想到此前的三星出现过的“爆炸门”。当年三星在中国热度非比寻常,可因为品质上的问题愈加严重,加上对中国消费者漫不经心的冷淡态度,最终导致三星退出了中国市场的结局。即使现在三星有心重回中国市场,过程也是相当困难了。
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上一篇 For seniors, it really is difficult to meet people that will be of the same get older. Senior lonely people dating is an excellent alternative to solitude and to the boredom of alone period. A lot of seniors have sufficient social connection in their day to day life, they will only need and take note connection when it comes to dating. A person be lonesome in your final years. Senior lonely hearts dating can provide you with that needed companionship that will make the experience http://www.latinawomen.net/ a bit more gratifying. The benefits of senior singles online dating are numerous. It doesn't require any determination. You can venture out on a particular date on your own schedule or with your partner, whenever you desire. You won't be responsible for any costs other than the dates. Some seniors choose going out to dinner or perhaps shopping on a first day. There are always the ones that like to venture out to dining more often. That's why it is important to consider if you prefer to go forth on a regular basis, or perhaps if you'd prefer to accomplish things at home for a while. If you are interested in seeing for fun, afterward senior finding love dating service might be a great decision. You can set up some progress arrangements, so that you will don't feel rushed. In most cases, they offer multiple dating alternatives. In addition, they cater to older persons in various age groups. You might find that individuals of all ages would like dates. It can nice to recognize that there are different seniors out there that is as informal and entertaining as you are.