微软要出安卓机了!微软CEO纳德拉嘴里的双屏笔记本surface Duo,媒体更乐意称之为双屏手机,适配的不是Windows 10X系统,而是使用了高度定制的安卓系统。对于曾经的WP粉、诺基亚粉而言,听到这个消息内心就像打翻了醋瓶子,打抱不平的要说一句“早知如此,何必当初”?
十年前,移动互联网拉开自己的序幕。在移动操作系统方面,坚持闭环的iOS、坚持开源的安卓统一整个市场,在它们“独步武林”的进程里,大多数玩家“知趣”的自动退出市场,如诺基亚的塞班、三星的Tizen OS。
坚持WP的微软、坚持BlackBerry OS的黑莓,用“亲身经历”告诉世界,盲目坚持并不能收获同等的成就,最为可惜的是绑在微软战车上的诺基亚,巨大的战略失误,导致这位2G时代的王者在智能手机时代里彻底的衰落。
用比尔·盖茨的话说,丧失移动互联网这座高地,微软付出了4000亿美元的代价。回顾WP失败的历史,很难说再给一次机会,WP就能够“屌丝逆袭”。考虑安卓在PC上糟糕的表现,以及谷歌Chrome OS系统一直未能在PC上有真正的突破,在PC和移动设备之间,操作系统的鸿沟或许真的很难跨越。
据高德纳(Gartner)公司的分析数据显示,2017年全球售出的智能手机中,99.9%都是Android或iOS系统,这两个系统在市场竞争中大获全胜。从2017年的比例看出, Android的使用程度比iOS高,约为86比14,其他系统的使用率还不如0.1%。另外,2017年全球智能机售出超过15亿部,但黑莓操作系统(BlackBerry OS)、Windows Mobile以及所有其他平台的手机总数才150万部。
Surface Duo具有两个5.6英寸显示屏,可以展开成8.3英寸的大屏幕,而厚度仅为4.8毫米。借助360度铰链,可以像许多2合1笔记本电脑一样将其完全折叠。从形态上来看,它很像三星的Galaxy Fold,华为的Mate X或其他产品。微软对抄袭论进行否认,称在Surface Duo硬件上研发了三年。
Surface Duo并不是简单的安装了一个安卓,它使用的是微软和谷歌打造的双屏安卓系统。当然,受限于安卓的规则,它不仅有谷歌Play商店,还有Chrome、音乐等全套谷歌服务。和三星、华为、小米等手机玩家一样,Surface Duo上也预装了微软的Edge浏览器等应用,在上面用户可以用到微软全家桶。
如此来看,Surface Duo的推出,微软至少有三方面考虑:
2、押宝“双屏”智能手机的未来,从Galaxy Fold、Mate X这两款惊艳全球的折叠屏手机来预测,在手机屏幕物理面积达到6寸极限后,或许双屏智能手机可能会成为下一个选择。在WP已经被证明无法承载微软移动互联网战略之后,选择安卓去尝试双屏机,是个非常好的选择。一方面,可以在双屏手机的硬件领域拿下一定的市场;一方面,通过对Surface Duo的研发,也许会带给Windows系统未来在移动双屏设备上一些突破点。
3、华为鸿蒙OS提供一个思路,通过硬件布局也许是突破操作系统的一个渠道。一方面,推出其他操作系统的硬件,可以名正言顺的对该操作系统进行深入的研究。另外,硬件带来的品牌效应,也会为未来安装自己系统的硬件的销量带来拉升。此外,如果能够在芯片上实现破局,某一天当新一代“WP”成熟了,可以瞬间通过系统升级的方式把Surface Duo上的安卓直接替换成WP。
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https://custom-roms.com/roms/amstrad-cpc/disc248a-dsk-usa Wii system. A lot more are definitely not also sure whenever these are the best way to begin purchasing a game for your Android os product, although there is in fact a great deal to like about the concept of these editions. To begin with, in case you are downloading it the sport from the internet, it is not necessary to have any sort of computer systems or application mounted. You may not also should have a UNIVERSAL SERIES BUS cable connection for connecting your laptop or computer with the Android os. Most well-liked ROMs are compatible together with the iPhone, ipad from apple, iPod Touch, Cell phone, many any kind of tablet that support a USB connection. Some people will not assume that you may down load a RANGE OF MOTION from the web and perform it with your Nintendo Wii. Nevertheless , you will discover Play-Roms intended for Google android that are very similar to the Nintendo Wii online games and definitely will enable you to continue your game playing activities without difficulty. Another concern so many people are worried about with regards to the Google android program is that the majority of the Android devices out there are very limited and do not support additional remotes. This will likely prevent these people coming from playing some of the heightened labels for sale in the Play-Roms spot. A number of coders currently have released the original source code to these ROMs to ensure that anyone may find independently equipment. Simply because they arenot linked with the product within the person downloading the RANGE OF MOTION, most of the Play-Roms just for Android are compatible with other gadgets. You will find different editions of ROMs which have been designed for several video games. So , a high level00 enormous lover of Neighborhood Mma fighter, in that case you will discover Play-Roms that work very much the same since the Fighting Pressure RANGE OF MOTION designed for the Xbox. Heart and soul Magic is an excellent example of the range of Play-Roms for the purpose of Android game titles readily available. If you haven’t discovered Soul Silver antique however, you should look it over right now, as this video game is one of the latest plus the finest in the Play-Roms demand. ">
下一篇Various persons just simply how to start that you have Play-Roms pertaining to Android os. These types of ROMs became very popular on the net, in fact it is hardly surprising to be familiar with that they are a great deal of popular to the iOS system. It is not necessarily a big mystery to be aware of that in the event you go with the net edition of a name, you save a lot of cash around the gaming console type of the same video game. A Play-Rom to get Google android can be an terrific approach to take regarding purchasing a game you may have already got a current program to down load the physical variant within the video game in the https://custom-roms.com/roms/amstrad-cpc/disc248a-dsk-usa Wii system. A lot more are definitely not also sure whenever these are the best way to begin purchasing a game for your Android os product, although there is in fact a great deal to like about the concept of these editions. To begin with, in case you are downloading it the sport from the internet, it is not necessary to have any sort of computer systems or application mounted. You may not also should have a UNIVERSAL SERIES BUS cable connection for connecting your laptop or computer with the Android os. Most well-liked ROMs are compatible together with the iPhone, ipad from apple, iPod Touch, Cell phone, many any kind of tablet that support a USB connection. Some people will not assume that you may down load a RANGE OF MOTION from the web and perform it with your Nintendo Wii. Nevertheless , you will discover Play-Roms intended for Google android that are very similar to the Nintendo Wii online games and definitely will enable you to continue your game playing activities without difficulty. Another concern so many people are worried about with regards to the Google android program is that the majority of the Android devices out there are very limited and do not support additional remotes. This will likely prevent these people coming from playing some of the heightened labels for sale in the Play-Roms spot. A number of coders currently have released the original source code to these ROMs to ensure that anyone may find independently equipment. Simply because they arenot linked with the product within the person downloading the RANGE OF MOTION, most of the Play-Roms just for Android are compatible with other gadgets. You will find different editions of ROMs which have been designed for several video games. So , a high level00 enormous lover of Neighborhood Mma fighter, in that case you will discover Play-Roms that work very much the same since the Fighting Pressure RANGE OF MOTION designed for the Xbox. Heart and soul Magic is an excellent example of the range of Play-Roms for the purpose of Android game titles readily available. If you haven’t discovered Soul Silver antique however, you should look it over right now, as this video game is one of the latest plus the finest in the Play-Roms demand.