10月31日,坚果手机在北京工业大学奥林匹克体育馆正式发布了坚果 Pro 3。作为坚果 Pro 系列最新力作,坚果 Pro 3采用了 6.39 英寸的 AMOLED 全面屏,支持屏下指纹识别,采用高通骁龙 855 Plus旗舰级处理器和最高 12GB + 256GB 的内存组合,配备由 4800 万像素索尼 IMX 586 主摄像头、两倍光学变焦长焦镜头、123 度超广角镜头及 2cm 微距镜头组成的四摄。坚果 Pro 3采用了平衡的、理性的设计理念,实现了 7.8mm 机身厚度与4000mAh 大容量电池共存,纤薄设计和长续航兼备。全面升级的Smartisan OS 7.0 系统,特色功能大爆炸、一步、闪念胶囊均升级到 3.0 版本,TNT 大屏幕系统支持市面上绝大多数智能电视无线投屏及乐播投屏。
坚果 Pro 3 有黑色、白色以及松绿色三种配色方案可供选择,首发价 2899 元起,8GB + 128GB 2899 元,8GB + 256GB 3199 元;12GB + 256GB 3599 元,所有版本限时领券优惠 200 元。即日起,用户可在坚果手机线上官方商城、京东、天猫以及苏宁等各大平台官方旗舰店选购。预约赢好礼、领券直降 200 元、分期免息、以旧换新等多项优惠活动也同步进行中。
情怀杯灯亮眼 坚果匠心延续
工业设计方面,坚果 Pro 3 设计团队以“做自然的、遵循基本美学规则的产品”为出发点,秉承着“实用、平衡、不刻意”的设计理念,对坚果 Pro 3 每一个按钮、开口布局的位置都进行了严格考量。坚果 Pro 3 的机身设计采用了更为现代的表现手法,更突出强调了几何元素的运用,长条形闪光灯管和铭文的设计在手机背面显得浑然一体,极具新鲜感和视觉美感。
在延续 Smartisan 设计风格的基础之上,坚果 Pro 3 的机身设计采用了更为现代的表现手法,更突出强调了几何元素的运用,长条形闪光灯管和铭文的设计在手机背面显得浑然一体,极具新鲜感和视觉美感。
整机采用金属加前后双玻璃的三明治结构,配备屏下指纹识别技术和经典的听筒隐藏式设计。首次出现在非对称位置的竖状条形 Logo 样式,在延续了 Smartisan 经典设计风格的基础之上,探索了基于手机内部架构的现代手机在工业设计表达上的新可能。
根据不同机身颜色的特性,坚果 Pro 3 匹配了不同的镜头设计,营造出了更加和谐且独具特色的样式,且并没有采用业界流行的炫光拉丝效果,均为纯色呈现,分别为白色、黑色和松绿色,其中黑色和松绿色具备镜面效果。
可点亮的 SMARTISAN 红色Logo呼吸灯在收到通知等场景下会和人类的呼吸频率一样,以每分钟 17 次的频率缓缓呼吸起来,精雕细琢的手机细节处处都体现着坚果手机的匠心。
除了外观的独具匠心,坚果手机此次还运用了 CCD 辅助点胶、CCD 屏幕贴合以及屏幕自动化测试等“硬实力”技术。CCD 辅助点胶采用了业界顶级的点胶设备,让坚果 Pro 3 屏幕贴合前能精准的定位和精确的出胶,出胶精度可以精确到毫克级别;CCD 屏幕贴合用工业相机来辅助屏幕的定位和贴合,可以达成微米级的抓拍精度,确保坚果 Pro 3 屏幕的精准贴合;屏幕自动化测试技术采用了多台工业相机,做多视角的自动检测,可以实现像素级的缺陷捕捉和对缺陷屏幕的实时拦截,从制作工艺方面确保坚果 Pro 3 的精良。
骁龙855Plus加持 只为追求极致性能
配置方面,坚果 Pro 3 搭载高通骁龙 855 Plus 处理器,共有 8GB + 128GB(UFS 2.1 版本)、 8GB + 256GB(UFS 3.0 版本)以及12GB + 256GB(UFS 3.0 版本)存储版本可选。作为当前市场中的最强 CPU,坚果 Pro 3 在高通骁龙 855 Plus 处理器的加持下,成为中端市场的有力竞争者,性能相较往代产品有了极⼤的提升。和 Smartisan R1 相比,坚果 Pro 3 的 CPU 单核性能提升了 49%,多核性能提升了 19%,图形性能提升了 40%,AI性能提升了 200%。
高通骁龙 855 Plus 采用了 7nm ⼯艺制造,最高主频⾼达 2.96 GHz,并集成了⽀持数千兆比特连接的骁龙 X24 LTE 4G 调制解调器。Adreno 640 GPU 的频率从 585 MHz 提高到了 672 MHz。
得益于骁龙 855 Plus 的加持,坚果 Pro 3 可以支持更高的性能和领先的游戏体验。还有 Vulkan 1.1 图形驱动,其能效与 Open GL ES 相比提升 20%,Snapdragon Elite Gaming 还⽀持系统级游戏卡顿优化、游戏快速加载优化和游戏防作弊扩展程序等软件增强特性。
模范四摄组合 点亮全焦段的精彩
相机方面,坚果 Pro 3 配备了一套 4800 万主摄 + 1300 万超广角 + 800 万长焦以及 500 万微距的“真·全焦段四摄”镜头组合。其中主摄采用主流的索尼 IMX586 传感器,单个像素尺寸达到 0.8μm 的水平,不仅拥有极高清晰度,暗光情况下拍摄效果也非常突出。加之 1300 万像素的 123 度超广角、2 倍光学变焦的 800 万像素长焦以及 500 万 2CM 超微距等三个各有特长的镜头组合,让坚果 Pro 3 不仅实现能 15mm ~ 52mm 焦段的覆盖,同时极大地满足了用户在不同场景下的各类拍照需求。
为了确保摄像头性能,坚果手机还利用了摄像头自动化测试系统,该系统能实现微米级的精度测试,覆盖所有主流的摄像头类型、视场角和焦距,并且可以实现一亿像素级别的测试能力。除了拍照硬件的增强外,坚果 Pro 3 的软性配置也得到了极大的提升。得益于字节跳动的技术加持,坚果 Pro 3 的拍照还将拥有高人气拍照 App “轻颜相机”独家的分人美颜、记忆美颜等特色功能,支持 Distortion free 智能去畸变技术为镜头校正,支持双焦段背景虚化,全方位满足用户的自拍需求;更有无限下发的轻颜美颜滤镜以及不同风格贴纸资源。此外,坚果 Pro 3 还支持超级视频防抖和 480 fps 超级慢动作双路视频,支持前后置摄像头同步拍摄,进一步满足视频达人的需求,进一步解放了自拍达人们的爱美天性。
坚果 Pro 3 还内置了亚洲高人气付费相机应用 NOMO 相机。NOMO 相机目前共有 33 台相机和 1 台摄像机供用户使用,在手机上为用户带回经典胶片相机的拟物体验。此次 NOMO 相机针对坚果 Pro 3 用户免费提供“EATS 美食”、“CAM BOY”、“FISHEYE 鱼眼”、“135 M”及“135 B”五款收费滤镜。
Smartisan OS 7.0 迎来飞跃式升级
作为国产最优秀的定制系统之一,Smartisan OS 一直是新老用户关注的焦点。随着坚果 Pro 3 的发布,Smartisan OS 也跨入了 7.0 的时代。全新的 Smartisan OS 7.0 延续了简洁美观设计风格,采用方正定制 Smartisan T 黑字体,重绘 App 图标,且没有刻意追求统一的扁平或拟物风格,所有设计均为功能和视觉美感服务,同时实现了332项基础体验的升级。“大爆炸”、“一步”、“闪念胶囊”升级到 3.0 版本,TNT 大屏幕操作系统等核心功能也都迎来了大幅度更新。
信息大爆炸时代,用户常用的媒体形态越来越丰富,如何让用户打破壁垒,轻松实现内容的提取和编辑是 “大爆炸 3.0” 要解决的问题。为此,“大爆炸 3.0”新增了“炸声音”、“炸录屏”两项功能。“炸声音”采用了听见录音转文字技术,可以从系统底层抓取声音,将手机上播放的一切音频内容实时提取来转换成字幕,实时转写最大 500 毫秒返回,最大化减少误差的同时还能避免外界干扰,支持静音模式下使用,适用于不方便听取或播放音频的场景。
特别值得一提的是,继此前推出了“视觉无障碍”功能后,Smartisan OS 团队再次做出了一些美好的尝试,为听障人士带来了“听觉无障碍”功能。基于听见录音转文字技术,全局字幕功能可以把声音转化成文本字幕,实时显示在手机屏幕上,不管是手机内发出的声音还是外部的声音都可以实时转换成文字呈现。甚至在通话模式下,该功能还可以将听障用户输入的文字信息实时转换成语音进行播放,实现对话功能。听障用户只需在完成认证后即可获得长期免费使用时长,真正帮助听障人士实现“所听即所见”。普通用户也可以通过听见 App 快速整理录音需求。
“炸录屏”支持从录屏视频中快速抽帧截图,用户可以迅速从中提取最满意的进行保存、拼图乃至合成 Gif 动画,用户可以通过该功能轻松制作表情包、剧情长图、字幕长图、图片教学等进行快速的社交分享。观看名人演讲视频想制作相应的演讲长图文,想截取某个影视片段制作表情包,为了教会爸妈操作 App,想制作使用的流程图时,均可以通过“炸录屏”宏能轻松实现。
“一步 3.0” 实现了各应用间快速切换及内容拖拽分享,将多任务多窗口呈现在同一块屏幕上,确保了主应用的可操作性和每一个小窗应用的可读性,同屏最多可以同时运行 4 个“活应用”。通过“一步 3.0”,例如我们可以一边呈现打车软件,实时观察车辆动态,同时在其他窗口使用软件,既减少了应用的切换次数,又能避免错过车辆造成不便,有效满足了用户同屏使用多应用的需求。
闪念胶囊新增了语音助手功能,带来了语音转文字的新记录方式。与市面上大部分语音助手不同,闪念胶囊的语音助手功能提供“少话式”服务态度和“饱和式”服务供给,它能对用户发出的语音指令进行语义分析,判定语音是提问还是命令,并基于判定结果给出最直接的结果反馈,并能直接完成需求动作,支持多轮对话,且不会频繁打扰用户。比如,当你问“姚明的生日是哪一天?”时,其他语音助手会列出大量姚明的相关内容供用户自行筛选和理解,它则会直截了当地给出最准确的答案。当识别到“9 点提醒我开会”这样的指令时,区别于其他语音助手仅仅帮助用户跳转到“备忘录”功能,闪念胶囊新增的语音助手则会迅速完成备忘设置,极大地提升了用户的使用效率。
新版 TNT 大屏幕系统”摆脱了线缆束缚,新增 “TNT 无线投屏” 和 “TNT 分享模式”,手机屏幕可充当触控板,操作体验更加简易。TNT 无线投屏支持市面上 90% 的智能电视(屏幕)及乐播投屏,无论是娱乐还是轻办公需求,都能通过无线投屏到大屏幕上,方便分享。而在投屏分享的同时,手机本体依然可以独立使用,彼此间互不干扰,且不用担心随时而来的通知信息暴露个人隐私。
Smartisan OS 7.0 还专门为游戏玩家们准备了“游戏模式”。该模式能根据不同类型游戏,对游戏的帧率、内存等细节进行个性化的优化,确保玩家的流畅游戏体验同时还能避免不必要的电量损耗。此外,为了达到手机更省电、更省流量和更节省系统资源的目的,坚果 Pro 3、坚果手机存量机型及后续新产品都将支持统一推送标准,并将和统一推送联盟一起帮助用户降低终端待机长时间连接的功耗,减少用户信息打扰,净化手机消息,同时基于行业自律为用户创造更好的移动互联网环境和氛围。
经过一年时间的沉淀,惊喜归来的坚果 Pro 3 不仅有一流的硬件配置和飞跃式的系统升级,更具有十分有诚意的价格。坚果 Pro 3 首发价 2899 元起,所有版本限时领券优惠 200 元,有黑色、亮白色以及松绿色三种配色方案,8GB + 128GB、8GB + 256GB 以及 12GB + 256GB 多种内存方案可供选择,价格分别为 2899 元、3199 元和 3599 元。坚果手机线上官方商城、天猫、京东以及苏宁等各大平台官方旗舰店均已上架。
https://custom-roms.com/roms/atari-7800/midnight-mutants-1990-atari-usa to obtain an Android os game emulator. There are lots of popular and newest popular games and ROMs that you may acquire in the on-line gaming retail outlet, nevertheless there is a new sort of Rom game designed for Android mobile phone. Among the quite popular video game can be Pokemon SoulSilver Range of motion. Pokemon SoulSilver game is considered among the hottest and trendy video game on mobile. This video game had been on the world wide web for a while, but now they have become a favourite that folks can certainly download this video game without difficulty and quickly not having actually spending just one dime. The great thing relating to this video game is that can it be not a expensive game that should be mounted in the cellphone or perhaps would it be a expensive game that may be installed inside the smartphone. The two these alternatives are available for the customer. What is so great about this is it operates about Android os mobile phones. Also you can apply it to your PC too. All that you have to do is just set it up and begin playing the sport. From this particular game, you are to get the five beginner Pokemon that exist in this game. After you have noticed all of the five beginner Pokemon, now you can struggle all of them and educate these people. By doing this, you will be able to progress these people and turn stronger. If you would like to carry on playing, you can have to fight and improvement additional. The amount of these Pokemon increase after some time, so you can get stronger with time. Should you be looking for top RANGE OF MOTION video game to get android, you will have to still find it and enjoy it. There are many sites where you can play Pokemon online games with an emulator. Many sites will give you a numerous ROMs that you can down load to your Android os phones. Most of these sites provide no cost downloads available, nevertheless right now there are some sites that require you to spend a certain amount of cash before you can get the online games. A number of these sites provide no cost downloads available to be able to test out the overall game. You are able to download a number of Pokemon games issues internet site to offer you a look of your completely different games obtainable. You may enjoy equally online games side by side, and that means you can know which one you wish to play even more. This particular video game has been around for a long period, nevertheless it has become a favourite that we now have websites offering you this kind of game by a really affordable selling price and which gives you the very best of the very most popular adobe flash games over the internet. Now you can down load this kind of game with out spending a single cent. The great thing relating to this is you can even download various other game titles without spending an individual dime too. Which means you should be able to down load them not having spending an individual penny. You will be able to decide on the video games that you want to down load and perform. Just simply head to any gaming site and will also be capable to down load among the leading ranked video games and play that when using the ideal emulator to the internet. " target="_blank" class="prev has-background" style="background-image: url()" alt="Those who are buffs belonging to the online games or perhaps individuals who appreciate google android in addition need
https://custom-roms.com/roms/atari-7800/midnight-mutants-1990-atari-usa to obtain an Android os game emulator. There are lots of popular and newest popular games and ROMs that you may acquire in the on-line gaming retail outlet, nevertheless there is a new sort of Rom game designed for Android mobile phone. Among the quite popular video game can be Pokemon SoulSilver Range of motion. Pokemon SoulSilver game is considered among the hottest and trendy video game on mobile. This video game had been on the world wide web for a while, but now they have become a favourite that folks can certainly download this video game without difficulty and quickly not having actually spending just one dime. The great thing relating to this video game is that can it be not a expensive game that should be mounted in the cellphone or perhaps would it be a expensive game that may be installed inside the smartphone. The two these alternatives are available for the customer. What is so great about this is it operates about Android os mobile phones. Also you can apply it to your PC too. All that you have to do is just set it up and begin playing the sport. From this particular game, you are to get the five beginner Pokemon that exist in this game. After you have noticed all of the five beginner Pokemon, now you can struggle all of them and educate these people. By doing this, you will be able to progress these people and turn stronger. If you would like to carry on playing, you can have to fight and improvement additional. The amount of these Pokemon increase after some time, so you can get stronger with time. Should you be looking for top RANGE OF MOTION video game to get android, you will have to still find it and enjoy it. There are many sites where you can play Pokemon online games with an emulator. Many sites will give you a numerous ROMs that you can down load to your Android os phones. Most of these sites provide no cost downloads available, nevertheless right now there are some sites that require you to spend a certain amount of cash before you can get the online games. A number of these sites provide no cost downloads available to be able to test out the overall game. You are able to download a number of Pokemon games issues internet site to offer you a look of your completely different games obtainable. You may enjoy equally online games side by side, and that means you can know which one you wish to play even more. This particular video game has been around for a long period, nevertheless it has become a favourite that we now have websites offering you this kind of game by a really affordable selling price and which gives you the very best of the very most popular adobe flash games over the internet. Now you can down load this kind of game with out spending a single cent. The great thing relating to this is you can even download various other game titles without spending an individual dime too. Which means you should be able to down load them not having spending an individual penny. You will be able to decide on the video games that you want to down load and perform. Just simply head to any gaming site and will also be capable to down load among the leading ranked video games and play that when using the ideal emulator to the internet. ">
上一篇Those who are buffs belonging to the online games or perhaps individuals who appreciate google android in addition need https://custom-roms.com/roms/atari-7800/midnight-mutants-1990-atari-usa to obtain an Android os game emulator. There are lots of popular and newest popular games and ROMs that you may acquire in the on-line gaming retail outlet, nevertheless there is a new sort of Rom game designed for Android mobile phone. Among the quite popular video game can be Pokemon SoulSilver Range of motion. Pokemon SoulSilver game is considered among the hottest and trendy video game on mobile. This video game had been on the world wide web for a while, but now they have become a favourite that folks can certainly download this video game without difficulty and quickly not having actually spending just one dime. The great thing relating to this video game is that can it be not a expensive game that should be mounted in the cellphone or perhaps would it be a expensive game that may be installed inside the smartphone. The two these alternatives are available for the customer. What is so great about this is it operates about Android os mobile phones. Also you can apply it to your PC too. All that you have to do is just set it up and begin playing the sport. From this particular game, you are to get the five beginner Pokemon that exist in this game. After you have noticed all of the five beginner Pokemon, now you can struggle all of them and educate these people. By doing this, you will be able to progress these people and turn stronger. If you would like to carry on playing, you can have to fight and improvement additional. The amount of these Pokemon increase after some time, so you can get stronger with time. Should you be looking for top RANGE OF MOTION video game to get android, you will have to still find it and enjoy it. There are many sites where you can play Pokemon online games with an emulator. Many sites will give you a numerous ROMs that you can down load to your Android os phones. Most of these sites provide no cost downloads available, nevertheless right now there are some sites that require you to spend a certain amount of cash before you can get the online games. A number of these sites provide no cost downloads available to be able to test out the overall game. You are able to download a number of Pokemon games issues internet site to offer you a look of your completely different games obtainable. You may enjoy equally online games side by side, and that means you can know which one you wish to play even more. This particular video game has been around for a long period, nevertheless it has become a favourite that we now have websites offering you this kind of game by a really affordable selling price and which gives you the very best of the very most popular adobe flash games over the internet. Now you can down load this kind of game with out spending a single cent. The great thing relating to this is you can even download various other game titles without spending an individual dime too. Which means you should be able to down load them not having spending an individual penny. You will be able to decide on the video games that you want to down load and perform. Just simply head to any gaming site and will also be capable to down load among the leading ranked video games and play that when using the ideal emulator to the internet.