在刚刚过去的2019年 12 月 3 日 ,罗永浩在“老人与海”黑科技发布会,正式宣布携美国的黑科技Sharklet鲨纹正式进军这一市场。
相较于之前,TO C (消费者业务)模式不同,此役,罗永浩希望同广大的品牌方、原料厂商和供应链厂商合作。 发力TO B(企业级业务) 领域。
美国佛罗里达大学材料工程学终身教授Anthony Brennan经过对鲨鱼皮肤表面的研究,发明出一种基于鲨鱼皮肤表面肤齿结构的仿生学物理防污技术。
Sharklet技术已应用于医疗产品,其中与美国Cook Medical公司合作推出的导尿管产品已获得美国FDA和欧盟CE双重认证,且通过欧盟的临床测试验证人体安全。该产品现已上市销售。
Baby Kingdom的制造商以子诚硅胶制品有限公司,是全球首家成功运用Sharklet技术的工厂,与Sharklet联手打造世界首款物理抗菌安抚奶嘴产品,保护宝宝远离细菌问题。
罗永浩自嘲为Sharklet Technologies全球合伙人与“首席忽悠官”。
Sharklet Technologies, Inc.(中文名:鲨纹科技)成立于2007年,采用Sharklet微结构抑制细菌和其他微生物。STI公司已获得授权将此技术应用于医疗和消费设备的研究开发。2009年公司迁址,现位于科罗拉多州奥罗拉市的科罗拉多生物科学园(Colorado Bioscience Park),园区内包含业务开发和管理办公室,以及满足优良实验室规范(GLP)的微生物和细胞培养实验室。
Sharklet Technologies, Inc.掌握微结构控制生物附着的关键专利。公司拥有美国专利局认证的六项不同专利,涉及微结构应用、不同Sharklet微结构尺寸以及各种医疗设备应用。
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上一篇 Dating hints are always vital when aiming to meet new people or even just start a new position. You do not ever understand when you may be meeting man that would turn into your partner. It's easy to get these sorts of dating tips on the world wide web, which means you aren't limited to sites that you can discover in your neighborhood. There are so many sites out there, also because there are so many sites, you can seriously become overcome. The best thing to do is to use the intuition and try to avoid sites that look too advanced for you. Be sure to keep yourself interested with some implies that can help you to stay occupied when you are feeling burdened. Movies which has a lot of liquor and drugs happen to be one way that movies will let you deal with anxiety and cause you to mail-order-bride.info/slavic-brides/belarus/ chill out. When you drink and cigarette smoke more than normal, it tends to create emotions of melancholy and this will make you more susceptible to stress. Drinking try to pick a site with a large number of users and lots of experience that you can take advantage of. These will allow you to get some new dating recommendations from other persons. Just be cautious if you check out a dating internet site with a large number of people because you might finish up dealing with a person who might be really rude. Don't forget that seeing tips can be located all over the place. There are many ways that you can study how to meet people. The world wide web is a great place to start because it offers you a chance to speak to new people without having to meet these people in person. Going out with tips are definitely the quickest method to get accustomed to dating persons. The more you practice, the simpler it will be to get used to meeting people.