据外媒Lets Go Digital报道,苹果官方在日本申请了3项全新的iPhone外观设计专利,目前这些专利文件被日本专利局正式放出。
从设计图来看,苹果在今年的iPhone新品中可能取消“刘海屏”设计,让iPhone的屏幕成为一块真正纯粹的“全面屏”。此外,苹果还将移除Face ID功能,增加屏下指纹识别版本的Touch ID。
自从苹果在iPhone X上用上了刘海屏,并且将这一设计在之后的iPhone上沿用,用户的吐槽声就不绝于耳。在去年的一项调查中,对iPhone刘海屏持负面态度的人的比率多达65%。虽然也有用户因为用久了觉得刘海屏看上去还挺不错的,但是许多用户依然觉得刘海屏“丑爆了”。苹果可能也意识到了这样下去不是办法,毕竟用户的意见很重要。苹果为了提升销量甚至不惜降价,可见苹果的“傲气”也不像鼎盛时期那么高了,所以“抛弃”让用户心烦的刘海屏势在必行。
不过刘海屏不可能说不要就不要,因为当初搞出这么个设计就颇有些“迫于无奈”的意味。当时苹果想以Face ID替代已经成熟的Touch ID,但是又要保证Face ID需要用到的零部件不会占用太多空间,所以苹果把环境光传感器、泛光灯、红外摄像头以及听筒、麦克风等零部件都塞到了顶部的“刘海儿”中。
如此设计虽然很丑,但以当时的技术条件,只有这样才能尽可能多地给屏幕腾地方,不至于看起来很乱。丑是丑了些,但对于放弃指纹识别还想提升屏占比,同时要让用户觉得Face ID用起来很酷很便捷,刘海屏大概也是苹果能够想到的最好的设计了。
可以想象,如果苹果真的在今年推出的iPhone 12中取消刘海屏,很可能又会引发手机厂商的跟风。但是进入5G时代,手机行业的竞争无疑会更加激烈,所以即使是要跟风也不该像刘海屏那样只流于表面。基于用户的需求深入探索,在功能、配置等方面下功夫,才可能在手机行业中走得更加长远。
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上一篇 Do you have a friend that's married and also you want to learn more about him or her? That isn't unusual. Those who find themselves married do all kinds of issues that they certainly normally carry out on their own. If they happen to be single they can get drawn to other people. This may happen if their mate isn't when interested in all of them as they should become. They tend to find others that can give them the interest that they desire. In this article all of us will talk about some tips for dating for married persons. If your friend or essential contraindications is wedded, you vietnamesebrideonline.com/ should be aware that there is something they greatly to make themselves seem more desirable. One of the things they greatly is get into character differently. If they are dating with someone they wish to appear more desirable so they will wear clothes that will help them glimpse their best. Naturally that doesn't suggest that they are any kind of less of a person. They could become timid with you because they think that you could notice their clothes. It would be better if you never looked at their dresses. You don't need them to think unattractive even though they are seeing. Of course you should still do not forget that the person they are really dating is committed. Their spouse would not end up being happy in the event that they started dating with another person. It really is one thing to acquire people who have a similar beliefs and philosophy as you may. You have to do not forget that this person possesses married. Consequently there is nothing wrong with them seeing other people. Obviously you should always boost the comfort with each other, when you are honest with them plus they see that you happen to be mature chances are they will want to time you.