近日,一款名为Remove China Apps(删除中国应用)的App在印度风靡,推出两周就冲到了谷歌商店“Top Free”排行榜首位,在超过100万的下载量和超出17万条的评论中,大部分来自印度用户的账号。
Remove China Apps的功能是“识别用户手机中所有的中国应用”,在用户移除所有由“中国制造”的App之后,该应用的界面会弹出“祝贺,你很棒,你的手机里已经没有中国App了”的文字,并弹出分享应用的按钮。尽管该应用的作用只是识别中国App,但这种提示和流程明显带着一种引导的意思,就是要用户识别之后进行手动删除。
由于该App简单易用,且所占内存不多,受到了印度用户的青睐,不少印度用户在推特上分享了使用截图,并鼓励更多人下载该应用。甚至在推特上拥有超过200万粉丝的宝莱坞演员Arshad Warsi也公开表示自己正在停止使用来自中国的东西,并建议他人也尝试。
根据谷歌商店提供的信息来看,该App的开发方是一家名为OneTouch AppLabs的公司,据说该公司已有9年的开发经验,但却没有除Remove China Apps之外的其他产品。而在开发者网页中,表明了该App的诞生是受到了一位来自克什米尔拉达克地区的前工程师Sonam Wangchuk的启发,他曾上传过号召印度人放弃使用中国产品的视频,3天内播放量超出280万次。
而印度网民此次之所以做出大规模卸载中国软件的举动,是由于在“抖音海外版”TikTok上,有个叫Faizal Siddiqui的印度视频博主发布了一段指摘Youtube博主的视频,称Youtube上的视频缺乏内容和创意,又臭又长。
然而Remove China Apps被如此大规模地下载和使用,恰恰从另一个角度说明中国制造的应用在印度已达到了相当普及的程度。早在2018年,印度Google Play Store的应用排行榜前十中,就有5个应用都是来自中国的,前100强应用中有44个来自中国。
可此事的结果却是当红明星和意见领袖纷纷下场“开撕”, 电视节目《今日印度》还打算讨论“抵制中国制造”的话题。在节目主持人Rahul Kanwal两天前发起的投票中,78.6%的投票者认为应该抵制“中国制造”。
但是印度用户的态度未免过于偏激和冲动。全球化的大趋势下,产品出海是常态,许多国家都是互通有无,本质上和通商是一个道理,实在没必要如此激动。何况不少理智的印度网民表示全面抵制中国不可行,就在宝莱坞演员Arshad Warsi的推文下,有网友戏称:你先把手里“中国制造”的iPhone寄给我,这样就可以正式开始你的‘去中国化’大业了。
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define casual dating to begin to know each other's needs. Naturally , there are also ways that you can get closer to your friend but please don't force your friend in to anything. There is nothing wrong with asking for what you wish. " target="_blank" class="prev has-background" style="background-image: url(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bf/29/ba/bf29ba9e138e6f500110bb2798aadcfe.jpg)" alt=" When a man is thinking about having a threesome with a second man, he can more than likely might what friends with rewards meaning is normally. The answer may possibly surprise you. Contrary to popular belief, the word
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define casual dating to begin to know each other's needs. Naturally , there are also ways that you can get closer to your friend but please don't force your friend in to anything. There is nothing wrong with asking for what you wish. ">
上一篇 When a man is thinking about having a threesome with a second man, he can more than likely might what friends with rewards meaning is normally. The answer may possibly surprise you. Contrary to popular belief, the word millionaire dating website "friend" actually indicates sexual familiarity. Most people think that they may be "friends" with thailand brides a thought of constantly sharing just a few intimate occasions or backed by each other like a couple. Yet , no one in fact expects both the to be mutually romantically and, in most cases, the partnership is certainly not built after sex. Close friends with benefits are very diverse. First of all, a threesome is not really about "touching" each other. You don't have to touch the other person in order to have a threesome. Actually it isn't possibly necessary for you to be yourself present for a threesome to take place. Many persons believe that the very best threesomes are definitely not the ones that involve transmission. In reality, it is actually these types of lovers who are inclined to break up more quickly because they are both reluctant to engage in sexual intercourse. Second, a threesome can possess any number of individuals at any time. You don't have to remain in front of the television and wait for a perfect point in time to meet a person. A threesome is certainly not something that takes place overnight and it doesn't require one person presenting or getting oral sex. Alternatively, it is a relationship that commences slowly. It may take time for the partnership to develop since it takes time with regards to the threesome define casual dating to begin to know each other's needs. Naturally , there are also ways that you can get closer to your friend but please don't force your friend in to anything. There is nothing wrong with asking for what you wish.